Monday, June 28, 2010

Will O' the Wisp

Will O’ the Wisp by Pierre Drieu la Rochelle was very hard to read, somewhat out of my reading level. The writing contained a lot of adjectives or adverbs to help its readers create a perfect picture of scenes, which made me hard to read on, I had to keep a dictionary as I read the novel. Within the story, Alain, the main, went through various emotional changes as the story progressed. His life seemed to start falling down more rapidly than before when he started to use drug, which finally made him commit suicide. He turned to drugs to avoid what is happening around him. He didn’t have guts to confront the problems he is facing and find the solution. He used drug to escape his miserable life to enjoy short momentary pleasure. Most of us want money and women in our life. More is better I believe. Alain had both of them. He achieved them so easily; it made him to treat them not as valuable as we normally. He didn’t appreciate them since he didn’t have to work hard to get them. The life of Alain reminded me of news I heard a story of a twenty year old British man who won about 15 million dollar. He spent all of his money on sex, drug, and gamble. He even had to go to prison for possessing of drug and false behavior. Now he is bankrupted and is on jobseeker’s allowance which is about 100dollars per week. The message Rochelle tries to send us through his novel, Will O’ Wisp, is that we need to appreciate what we currently possess and thank our life. And finally Will O’ the Wisp is one of the strangest and depressing novels I have ever read.

You can read a story of Michael Carrol at

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