Monday, June 21, 2010

Secret Journal

The “Secret Journal and other writings” was a little bit more of an interesting read. I’m not sure who commented on it earlier, but I also got somewhat of a Holden Caufield vibe reading it. I thought the choice of mentioned readings before the secret journal, were interesting choices. Although they were parts of readings that were quoted, it was interesting, the various authors that were chosen from the Bible, to Montaigne, to Peguy. As I read them I wondered why they were selected. I suppose I missed the connection. Anyway, I found Drieu La Rochelle’s way of thinking about aging to be a bit fascinating for the lack of a better word. I understood his whole thought process but I never knew anyone really planned when they wanted to die. It was kind of amusing when he talked about his palm being read and how the “prophecy” came true. He had a good point that although people may not be extremely superstitious, superstitions still “color” our decisions. I feel like if people really sat and thought about their decision making process, they would figure out that this probably holds a bit true to them too.

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