Saturday, June 12, 2010

Silence Poem

This poem is a very descriptive depiction of the authors perception of silence. The poem is an illustration of the sporadic dynamics of what the authors perception of silence is, and what it is not. There is a lot of religious references that suggest the authors spirituality. I especially like how the author attributes silence to a post end of the world existence or possibly a primordial earth that has not experienced noise. It was also enjoyable to read how the author then depicted what silence is not by conveying how the existence of life contributes to the absence of silence and the presence of noise. The author also includes how despite the presence of noise, there is still peace. I think this means that the harmony of life is peaceful even though it is not necessarily silent. The last section of the poem was initially hard to understand even after multiple reads but the think the author is expressing his personal source for inspiration in his "search for glory". When the presence of silence returns after the presence of noise, there is a sudden suspension and a period of time in between war and peace; the characteristics of how the author depicts silence and noise accordingly. My favorite part of the poem is when the fist of God is suspended over the drums of war. I think that this exemplifies the split second before the decision is made by a person whether or not to fight in a war. The split second where there is no peace and simultaneously no war; both have an equal possibility to occur (at least in the span of this second of deliberation).

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