Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Secret Journal

Doing a little research, it became evident that 1945, the year this journal was written, was the year that Pierre Drieu la Rochelle died. He did ultimately commit suicide. he had failed another attempt in 1944, and maybe that is what inspired this dark reflection on the thoughts of what happened during his youth? I found it intriguing that this was a reflection on his entire life, his masochistic behaviors and depressed thoughts he had gone through and moved forward through up until the end of the secret journal. The same dark and introverted thoughts rang loud throughout his entire life but it wasn't until he was 52 before he had finally been able to end it. He ended up staying true to his youth afterall.


  1. I think that this is very interesting because he determined that he would die by the age of 50. His desires were the result of certain experiences in is life and it is fitting that he died around the age of fifty because that would only suggest that the events described in the journal contained some validity and actuality. Maybe this journal was an attempt to try to justify and find closure from the uneasiness he had upon deciding to kill himself.

  2. Ya. Somewhat of a suicidal tendencies memoirs to finally convince himself to finally commit to the act. Or at least that is how I read into it.

  3. You mention that his failed attempt may have led him to reflect on his life and write Secret Journal, but you think this that his reflection on his desires to die young may have led to his successful attempt at committing suicide?

  4. I always wondered what could make someone commit suicide. But I guess I can agree with you guys on his somewhat suicidal tendencies. Random thought but imagine how his family and loved ones may have felt reading this... and then for him to have had a prior attempt. It made me wonder.
