Sunday, June 27, 2010

Will O' the wisp

Sorry I'm a little behind, my work schedule is crazy and I keep mixing up the due dates. Anyway, so the Will O' the Wisp... interesting read. I appreciate the comments that I am seeing from my classmates. They def put somethings in perspective. Like anything else in life people are going to interpret this piece their own way. I personally found Aaron's comments to be a bit insightful. I feel like they brought up some points that otherwise would not be thought of. Suicide does have a lot to do with self loathing and jealousy, but I do understand why others got the impression that the author (his name's a bit too complicated for me to spell right now) was glorifying suicide. But suicide is a phenomenon within itself. The causes are different across the board, even within homogenous groups, but that's neither here nor there. But I do like the spin on it, that the story is to show that suicide is absurd.

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