Thursday, June 16, 2011

Reponse on Blumenberg

SaeRom Sung

Coli 221Z – Summer ‘11

Professor Rowan Tepper


I enjoyed reading Blumenberg’s work more than the first book we had to read. As I read through the whole book, this book did come to me in many different ways. Especially, after reading the first passage ‘Enemies’ caught my attention the more than other passage of the book. The passage was about two people, who hate each other so much, on a boat. One of them chooses to stand on the stern and the other chooses to stand on the bow. As soon as the boat starts sinking, the person on the stern finds out that the boat is sinking from the bow. Although, the person on the stern will die eventually, but he also knows that his enemy will sink and die first, he feels happiness.

I felt like the whole situation of this passage can be related to the war. The stern and bow of the boat can be the metaphors for war between two enemies. In this passage, the stern is safer than the bow, but we all know how it is going to end. In war, we all know someone is going to be in a safer and winning position than the other side. For example, in the Cold War, we all can assume that the United States had a better position in terms of allies and the supports from other nations. On the other side, the Soviet Union did have a power to go against the U.S., but a fewer allies and supports from surrounding nations. During the Cold War, we had to face two brutal wars, Korean and Vietnam War. We lost many soldiers and love ones during these wars. At the end, the Soviet Union did fall down, and it seems like we have the win against the communist nations. But, we have to think about the lives we lost during the wars. Just like the passage by Blumenberg, one side will be happy over the other side, but we lost so many that neither side is really the winner of the war.

I think human tends to put themselves in better position by comparing others’ situations. The point is very clear in Blumenberg’s ‘Enemies’. One side will have the winning, but at the end there really is no winner. But, people want the better position over the others. I think it goes the same for the war. It may look like one side has more advantages over the other, but at the end, there is no winner in war.


  1. I also chose "Enemies" as one of my passages. I thought the same things as you. I think that comparing it to the Cold War is a great example. Great job!

  2. I really liked the passage of enemies as well! Although I did not relate it to war when I first read it I can certainly see that your response makes a lot of sense and it is a great idea! I like reading all the different ideas everyone comes up with because it not only is interesting but kind of supports many of the arguments found in Blumenburg and Derrida. It is interesting understand their argument and see it happening in every day life.

  3. Although i did not pick the enemy passage to write, it was very interesting passage and I really like your point of view good job!
