Friday, June 24, 2011

Freud Response

Nathaniel Haggard
Freud Response
Due: 6/24/2011

How we interpret the world and ourselves has a great effect on how we live our lives and what we do with our lives. The Freud book illustrates how certain thoughts, fascinations, fears, and compulsions can cause us to alter from the “norm”. This book highlights three cases; that of the wolf man, rat man, and the wife of god. In each case, the disorder causes the individual to have problems living and dealing with every day occurrences. This brings to question; does our self-image effect how we live our life? Can fear and stress interrupt our lives? Can fictional thoughts or ideas control our lives?
The simple answer is yes. Self-image is very important and can dictate how successful or happy you are. Having a positive self-image generally makes you happy and creates an aura of positivity around you. But having a negative self-image generally leads to negative aura’s and to others thinking less of you. Even things such as body language that are tied to self-image play a vital role in how other perceives you. And, in many cases, how others perceive you have a direct connection to success and how we live our lives. As seen with the rat man, negative self-image can have drastic effects on day to day life and how life is lived.
The next point brought up relates to fear. Fear can literally paralyze and freeze your life. As seen with the wolf man, having a fear can ruin you, especially if it is a fear that has been growing for most your life. A great example of this is seen with many shut-ins. Being afraid of simple things like wolves, grass, etc. can make you forget to enjoy and live your life. Fear and life controlling fear is a major problem for many people.
Just like fear, fictional ideas can be life controlling. An example that comes to mind is with video games and movies. Some people watch so many movies and play video games so much that they begin to dream that they are part of the stories. This can eventually lead to a life dedicated to the story. People forget their families, friends, and work. It has gotten bad enough that support groups have begun to pop up all around the world.
In conclusion, how you perceive the world is a very complicated and important idea. Having a clear head and remembering to live life may be one of the most important things you can do. Avoiding letting fear, stress, fictional ideas, and negative self-image control your every movement is one way to live a successful, fulfilling life. As seen with the Freud book, letting these outside stressors become an integral part of your life can be life ending.


  1. You make a great point about how fictional ideas, i.e. video games and movies, can control a persons life and change the way they perceive the world.

  2. I am really glad you brought up how body language is a strong physical description of oneself. Body language is interesting because it literally is a language without words, a language based on physical observations. I think what is so interesting about body language is how english language still interprets body language based off experiences of our own body language. For example, we know someone is sad when because they might be crying, have sunken shoulders, a frown, etc. We know this because at some point in our life we experienced ourselves or another with the same expressions. Body language is important because it really speaks about you as an individual. Good job!

  3. Great points, I definitely think today's video games and movies will have somewhat effects on a personal life and thought.
