Thursday, June 16, 2011

Blumenberg Response 2

Minwoo Choi
Graduate School & Job Applications: Style & Praxis
Rowan G. Tepper
June 17 2011
Response Paper 2: Hans Blumenberg
In the first part of the book, Blumenberg describes the economic rule that our world is following now. The rest of the book contains very interesting concepts of human lives. However, personally, it was very interesting to read when the meaning of happiness is described in the last section of the book.
It is lucky that nobody knows what the true happiness is. This is what Blumenberg said. Since there is no such form to define happiness, there are many different types of happiness that humans are looking for. Some people want to achieve the best economic profits for their economic success, some people go to work and make money to feel the happiness from their family, and some others meditate or perform their own ritual to look for their spiritual success to maximize their happiness. It is very interesting concept of humanity for me because I also think that human beings should not find their happiness until the end of their life no matter what types of happiness they are willing to achieve.
As Blumenberg briefly mentions in the book, people should not find the true happiness they are looking for. If there is a certain ultimate happiness that all the human beings feel the same, the world would become a chaotic hell for them. They all would fight and compete for one goal that will send them to sudden boredom. However, ironically, most of us look for our happiness through our entire life with pathetic competitions and many of us do not find the perfect answer for it. Then what is the happiness for you? I think that the process to look for the true happiness is the real happiness.
The word boredom that the writer constantly mentions through the last section contains more than a word, but the deeper level of humanity. Even though humans do their best to gain their best happiness, I think that humans keep themselves blind from the true happiness. The facts determine happiness keep changing as our world is transforming because people want different factors to feel happiness. What the majority of population wants becomes the happiness for the entire population. Likewise, the true happiness that do not have specific form is not formed because of ourselves.
In conclusion, if people forms the real happiness for themselves, they will face the real boredom which is the ultimate reason to give up their lives. It might be a blessing from the god to let us keep missing the true form of happiness unintentionally. If the real happiness should be hidden from us, the process of seeking happiness would be our actual happiness.


  1. I think you did a great job with this response! I agree, I am glad there is no definition of happiness because it would take away from the diversity in our world. If everyone had the same end goal there would be nothing exciting to read about because everything would always be the same. I thought you brought up a lot of great ideas and points from Blumenburg.

  2. I agree with him too, how could we define or judge someone's happiness? we have different goal and different happiness getting from our achievements. it would be so bored if everyone feels the same from the same tasks
