Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Blumenberg response2

Yoong Min Kim 6/16/11


Rowan G. Tepper

Blumenberg Response2

Throughout reading the Hans Blumenberg, I just started becoming his fan. I was so impressed and got inspiration of further more knowledge on viewing the world and people differently by reading Something like a world order, and enemies. I loved another section, If care is objective, happiness must be subjective. Nobody on earth has ability to define the meaning of the happiness. It is because we have and feel different happiness from different subjects. For instance, I would be having huge happiness from getting grade A of the course. However, I can’t assure that everyone would not be having the same amount of happiness as mine.

The author, Blumenberg, mentioned that we don’t have to find the true happiness because it is not out there and won’t be found out because there is no exact and certain happiness. If there were certainly particular happiness, we will definitely not be happy in which we should be happy at least. For example, people will not be joyful all together when they are gathered because they have certain happiness on their own subjects only. It is impossibly giving us happy just hanging out. I want my own happiness from my own subject!

When you think you are happy in the moment, which is happiness. It is never coming when you look for. It just comes in which you naturally feel it. In these days, people mostly think that money is the one source bringing our happiness. However, as Blumenberg said, nobody knows about the true happiness. Some riches might feel happy and some don’t. Even poor people feel the same way we do when they do. This section was the greatest one I read because It just made me think several times about the true happiness. What it came out? Nothing.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post and the exert from the book. The idea of happiness has been shoved at us by the super saturation of media for a long time. But in reality, no two people are made happy by the same things. Happiness changes from person to person and from year to year. This is because variety is the spice of life. Things that made you happy once get boring and you must find new things to make you happy.
