Sunday, May 30, 2010

Kierkegaard's Repetition

As James mentioned, Kierkegaard is a philosopher and therefore is not blunt when it comes to making points. He likes to get a full examination of the point he is trying to make, This makes his philosophical style repeat itself just to further enhance his views.

Although this Repetition is the story told by Constantius, Kierkegaard uses a theme recollection to support his ideas. Constantius tries to feel the same way he once felt for a female and apply them to another female. What he observes is recollection, or the sadness felt when he is unable to fully repeat his feelings. Through the use of recollection, we can see where the title of Repetition comes from.

I believe that Kierkegaard uses the pseudonym Constantius for the stories he wants to tell. By using this alias Kierkegaard allows himself to be anyone he wants to be, at any age and any location. This allows him to come with whatever stories he wants so that he can further prove his points. I think using the reason for using a young man is the new feelings he may get. As described above, the story deals with Constantius' feelings as he tries to recreate them. A younger man is naive enough to try and recreate them, while an elder man knows the recreation cannot be made.

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